Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ground Control To Major Tom.....

I know my updates = FAIL. But I'll fill you in on how busy and chaotic my life is ok?

The last few days in Marietta can best be summed up in a few sentences:

Me and the best friend hung out, we went to taco bell, I sat around my mom's house.

Yeah that's about it. I could have bored you with details of how bored I was, or how I love cheesy bean and rice burrittos, or how the best friend is still getting his "anal warts" removed ( I think that's hilarious BTW), but I decided to spare you. Youre Welcome.

Getting to south Georgia on the other hand was eventful. I knew on the drive down I was putting myself into a different element. But considering how unsuccessful I was in my last environment maybe I needed the drastic change. and it's not like I'm going to be completely alone down here either. The guy goes to school here too. Me and the guy have been off and on for years. I love the guy, I really do, but we put the fun in dysfunctional.

Driving down it hit me how much my life was changing. I packed my car full and headed on south 75. I managed to get pulled over too....for going the speed limit. Apparently if you got the speed limit in the left lane state troopers frown upon that. oops.

I keep driving and I see the hills disappear behind me I see flat land ahead, and its officially hot as hell. Ground control to Major Tom, toto were not in Kansas anymore.

The culture here is very different too. You can tell who is local and who isn't pretty easy in the first few weeks. God set the thermostat to Hell and there are gnats everywhere. So non locals are swatting and flailing their arms to keep the little flying bastards out of our eyes and ears on top of the fact that were sweating like a whore in church. There is also a different breed of bros here too. I've lovingly dubbed them "Backwoods Bros" A backwoods bro is a guy who typically wears flannel, Guy Harvey, or PFG shirts daily. They also wear jeans with a really nice belt buckle, and a pair of boots or sperrys. They all have sunglasses with the Costa Del Mar croakies regardless of whether thy are real Costa Del Mar sunglasses or if they came from Wal-Mart. 9 times out of 10 they have a ratted baseball cap, typical bro apparel of course. They also always either dip or smoke. sometimes both. They also all drive jacked up pick up trucks with a tool box, a big spot light on the back, and typically a browning sticker on the back window. They're just like regular bros, but just backwoods.

I also have an interesting array of professors. I have the health teacher who i'm 90% sure is a lesbian, My biology professor who is a former Peace Corp member, (For a man that should be interesting with his life experiences he is incredibly dull), My math professor who is a former Auburn linebacker that sounds like Boomhauer From King of The Hill, My history professor who is the county prosecutor and obsessed with baseball, and my overly perky & super enthusiastic english professor that's a carbon copy of Mr.O'Neill form Daria.

The roommates I have are pretty cool. for the first time in my college career I have roommates I might live with for more than a semester, well except one. I just call her homegirl. I don't like homegirl. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me either. She acts like she is better than me and the other girls and is just really rude. It's really annoying. The other two roommates are legit. One is a sassy latina girl that's spent alot of time in California and the Atlanta area. The other one is from the other side of the county I live in. I call her West Cobb. West Cobb is sort of sheltered and I feel a need to kind of help her out. There's alot of independence she hasn't quite experienced yet.

My apartment is also legit. Having my own room is great. I can totally sleep naked if I want to. As hot as it is down here that's a nice bit of freedom. It's also great for when the guy comes over. I love it. I also love having a real kitchen. No more shitty college food!!!!!

The life down here is definitely different. I'm still adjusting but I'm hopeful that I made the right choice.

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